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A nationwide survey of radon levels in schools estimates that nearly one in five has at least one schoolroom with a short-term radon level above the action level of 4 pCi/L- the level at which EPA recommends that schools take action to reduce the level. The only way to know if a school has elevated levels of radon is to have it tested. The Tennessee Division of Air Pollution Control provides assistance to schools in helping them test for radon in their buildings.

If test results indicate an elevated level, mitigation is recommended to lessen the dangers of lung problems associated with radon in children and teachers. In some of the same manners in which homes are mitigated, school radon levels can be lowered to an acceptable level. The EPA provides information regarding school radon testing in "Radon in Schools" and "Radon Measurement in Schools." Exit TDEC web site and enter EPA web site

If your Tennessee school system wants to test their buildings for radon, complete the request for testing application and return it to the Division of Air Pollution Control.

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