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Environmental Permits Handbook

NPDES Industrial Stormwater General Permit

>> Tennessee Multi-Sector General NPDES Permit (TMSP) Updates

>>Tennessee Stormwater Multi-Sector General Permit (TMSP) - General Permit, Permit Rationale and Specific Sector Requirements


Who Needs One?

* What Information Must I Provide?


How Will My Application be Processed?

* What Fees are Required?
* What are My  Responsibilities
After the Permit is Issued?

What are the Division's Responsibilities
After the Permit is Issued?

Who Needs An NPDES Industrial Stormwater General Permit?

All new and existing point source industrial stormwater discharges associated with industrial activity require an NPDES Stormwater Permit from the Tennessee Division of Water Pollution Control (WPC). Most common is a general permit which is available to almost any industry, but there is also an option to obtain an individual NPDES permit.

Who is Subject to Phase I the NPDES Storm Water Program - EPA

A general permit is not available for stormwater that meets any of the following characteristics:

  1. is regulated by an individual NPDES permit
  2. receives combined treatment with non-stormwater
  3. is subject to EPA effluent limitations
  4. is subject to another general permit
  5. contributes to a violation of water quality standards
  6. is discharged from inactive mining, inactive landfills or inactive oil and gas operations occuring on federal lands where an operator cannot be identified
  7. is discharged from mining operations with the exception of inactive coal mines and related facilities, construction sand and gravel mining, dimension stone mining and quarrying.

Industries that have no exposure of industrial materials and activities to stormwater can submit a no exposure certification in lieu of an NPDES permit.  For information regarding stormwater discharges associated with stream alterations and construction activities, contact the Division of Water Pollution Control.

What Information Must I Provide?

A completed Notice of Intent (NOI) for the Tennessee Stormwater Multi-Sector General Permit (TSMP) to Discharge Stormwater Associated with Industrial Activity must be submitted at least five (5) days prior to beginning industrial activity at the site. The NOI form requires information regarding the operator/owner, facility, site location and size, industrial activity, material handling, discharging points and water receiving the discharges, existing permits, and other information.

Facilities with no stormwater exposure must submit a no exposure certification form.

NPDES Permit Forms

Form Description Form # Application Form
Notice of Intent for the Tennessee Stormwater Multi-Sector General Permit
Examples: Small Business and Large Business
CN-1108 Link to Word DOC form     Link to PDF form
No Exposure Certification Form (From EPA)
*Mail to the address below
  Link to PDF form
Storm Water Monitoring Report CN-1115 Link to PDF form

*Storm Water NOI Processing
Tennessee Division of Water Pollution Control
6th Floor, L&C Annex, 401 Church Street
Nashville, TN 37243-1534

How Will My Application Be Processed?

The facility will be considered legally covered by the general permit five (5) days after the postmark of the NOI, unless notified otherwise by the Division. No public participation is involved; however, the general permit does allow anyone to file a petition with the Division asking that general coverage be revoked and an individual permit be required. The TSMP is effective through December 31, 2006.

What Fees Are Required?

Effective January 31, 2001, annual maintenance fees for the Industrial Storm Water General Permit became applicable. Fees range from zero for the sites less than or equal to 1 acre to $700 for sites greater than or equal to 500 acres. Permittees will be invoiced by the Division once the NOI has been processed.

What Are My Rights And Responsibilities After The Permit Is Issued?

The applicant may proceed with the industrial activity five (5) days after the postmark of the NOI and must comply with all conditions stated on the general permit. Any planned changes or additions to the facility require the discharger to give notice to the Division as soon as possible. A new NOI from the new owner must be submitted at least five (5) days before the facility is sold or transferred.

Applicants must develop a stormwater pollution prevention plan prior to submitting an NOI. Certain categories of industries must conduct annual analytical monitoring of stormwater discharges, with storm water monitoring reports due March 31 of the following calendar year. Almost all permittees must conduct quarterly visual examinations of stormwater discharges throughout the term of the permit.

What Are The Division's Rights And Responsibilities After The Permit Is Issued?

The Division has the responsibility to take all prudent steps to secure, protect and preserve the waters of Tennessee. The Division and the EPA have the right to enter and inspect the facility and all related records at any reasonable time. They also may inspect any related equipment or monitoring methods. The Division has the right to require an individual permit at any time if deemed necessary.

Whom Do I Contact For Applications, Assistance And Other Sources Of Information?

Applications and assistance can be obtained from the Division of Water Pollution Control.  New applicants who need more than one permit can contact their regional Environmental Coordinator for further assistance.

Questions and Answers about Reissuance of Tennessee Multi-Sector General Permit (TMSP)-PDF file, for Storm Water Discharges Associated with Industrial Activity - Before contacting our office, we urge you to first look at the information we have provided in order to get answers to your questions. This document will be updated periodically. If you still have questions or need to contact us, please feel free to send us an email.

Applicants may also refer to the following documents:

Permitting Home

What Environmental Permits Do I Need?

Prudent Site Checks

Permit Application Forms

Standard Operating Procedures

Division of Water Pollution Control

Tennessee Storm Water Multi-Sector General Permit #TNR050000

List of Active TMSP Permittees

Facilities that submitted No Exposure Certification Form

Defined Terms

point source

stormwater discharges