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Environmental Permits Handbook

X-Ray Registration

* Who Needs One? * What Information Must I Provide?
* How Will My Application be Processed? * What Fees are Required?
* What are My  Responsibilities
After the Permit is Issued?
* What are the Division's Responsibilities
After the Permit is Issued?

Who Needs To Register?

Persons having possession of any radiation machine or accelerator are required to register with the Tennessee Division of Radiological Health (DRH). In general, the following types of equipment must be registered:

  • Class I - Dental Radiation Machines: Includes all diagnostic equipment used exclusively for dental diagnostic procedures.
  • Class II - Priority Two Medical Radiation Machines: Includes all diagnostic x-ray equipment not in Class III used exclusively for medical or veterinary diagnostic procedures.
  • Class III - Priority One Medical Radiation Machines: Includes all diagnostic x-ray equipment used in radiologists' offices, orthopedic surgeons' offices and hospitals exclusively for medical diagnostic procedures.
  • Class IV - Therapy Medical Radiation Machines: Includes all x-ray equipment with energies less than 0.9 MeV used for the purpose of medical or veterinary radiation therapy.
  • Class V - Priority Two Industrial and Educational Radiation Machines: Includes closed-beam analytical radiation machines, gauges and industrial radiation machines used in shielded room or cabinet radiography.
  • Class VI - Priority One Industrial and Educational Radiation Machines: Includes all x-ray machines used for industrial radiography and all open-beamed analytical x-ray machines not specifically included in Classes I, II, III, IV, V or VII.
  • Class VII - Accelerators: Includes equipment designed for and used only for the production of x-rays of 0.9 MeV or greater and equipment capable of discharging nuclear particles into a medium external to the accelerating device.

State Regulations for Protection Against Radiation allows certain types of x-ray producing equipment, such as domestic television receivers and other electrical equipment, to be exempt from registration provided they produce radiation incidental to their use and the dose rate does not exceed 0.5 rem per year. Radiation producing machines in transit and radiation machines that are totally unusable except for salvage parts also are exempt from registration.

What Information Must I Provide?

For Classes I-VI, a completed Registration of X-ray Producing Equipment (Form RHS 8-4) must be submitted within 10 days after acquisition of the x-ray producing equipment. The form requires detailed information concerning the owner, possessor and person in charge of the x-ray equipment; the medical specialty of the possessor (if applicable), and specific information for each tubehead.

For Class VII x-ray producing equipment (accelerators), a completed Application for Certified Registration (Form RHS 8-8) must be submitted within 10 days after acquisition of the accelerator. The form requires detailed information concerning the applicant, location where the accelerator will be used and stored, description and proposed use of the accelerator, facility description, shielding evaluations, training program, and other information as required.

X-Ray Registration Forms

Form Description Form # Application Form Form Instructions
Registration of X-Ray
Producing Equipment
RHS 8-4 N/A pdfsmall.gif (153 bytes) N/A pdfsmall.gif (153 bytes)
Application for Registration to Perform Radiation Machine Inspections RHS 8-4b N/A pdfsmall.gif (153 bytes) N/A N/A
Application for Certified Registration          
  Non-Medical Uses RHS 8-8 N/A pdfsmall.gif (153 bytes) N/A pdfsmall.gif (153 bytes)
  Medical Uses Only RHS 8-8 N/A pdfsmall.gif (153 bytes) N/A pdfsmall.gif (153 bytes)

How Will My Application Be Processed?

Upon receipt of the completed registration form for tube Classes I-VI, the Division reviews the form for completeness, issues the registration along with an invoice for the appropriate fee, and sends them to the registrant. The review process normally takes less than one (1) day. The X-ray Registration is valid indefinitely; it does not expire.

Class VII machines (accelerators) must have a Certified Registration. Upon receipt of the appropriate registration form and fees, the Certified Registration application is reviewed for completeness. If necessary, the Division sends a deficiency letter to the applicant. The review process may generate more deficiency letters until an adequate response to the Division's concerns is received from the applicant. Upon submittal of the necessary information, a Certified Registration is issued. The entire Certified Registration process usually takes thee (3) to six (6) months. Certified Registrations are issued for a five-year renewable period.

What Fees Are Required?

Annual registration fees are required as follows:

Class I: $65 per tube per year
Class II: $150 per tube per year
Class III: $200 per tube per year
Class IV: $300 per tube per year
Class V: $600 per tube per year
Class VI: $900 per tube per year
Class VII: $2,000 per tube per year, plus an initial fee of $375 per nominal MeV with the initial fee not to exceed $150,000


What Are My Rights And Responsibilities After Registration?

The registrant may proceed with the approved use of registered equipment. For Classes I-VI, the registration is not transferable. Changes such as address, ownership, possessor or location of use from that declared on the previous registration require the x-ray producing equipment to be re-registered. The registrant is required to follow State Regulations for Protection Against Radiation in the use of the equipment.

For Class VII machines (accelerators), the Certified Registration may be transferred in accordance with the rules and regulations and with the written consent of the Division and both parties. The Certified Registrant is required to follow the conditions of the Certified Registration and State Regulations for Protection Against Radiation. The Certified Registrant also has the right to request an amendment of the Certified Registration. Changes in the scope of authorized activities of the Certified Registration may require additional fees.

What Are The Division's Rights And Responsibilities After Registration?

The Division has the right to inspect the registrants as follows:

  • Class I - once every four years
  • Classes II and V - once every two years
  • Classes III, IV, VI, and VII - once every year

Penalties for violations can reach up to $5,000 per day per violation.

The Division is responsible for regulating sources of radiation in order to protect the health and welfare of the people and environment of the State of Tennessee.

Whom Do I Contact For Applications, Assistance And Other Sources Of Information?

Registration forms and assistance may be obtained from the Supervisor of Registration Machine/Device Permitting - RI Evaluation at the Division of Radiological Health in Nashville.

Applicants may refer to the following publications:

Registrants may obtain a copy of Tennessee's State Regulations for Protection Against Radiation by sending a request and a check for $15 made payable to Treasurer, State of Tennessee, to the following address:

State of Tennessee
Division of Radiological Health
3rd Floor, L&C Annex
401 Church Street
Nashville, TN 37243-1532

Permitting Home

What Environmental Permits Do I Need?

Prudent Site Checks

Permit Application Forms

Standard Operating Procedures

Division of Radiological Health

DRH Standard Operating Procedures

TDEC Rule Chapter 1200-2-10-.24exittdec3.gif (1060 bytes) State Regulation for Protection Against Radiation

TCA 68-23-101, et seq., 68-202-101,exittdec3.gif (1060 bytes) et seq., and 4-5-201 et seq.

Defined Terms


radiation machine