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2008 LPRF/LWCF/NRTF Application/OPSP Manual
2008 RTP Application Manual
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Grant Application Facts
Post Completion Self Inspection Report
For More Information
For more Grant information about
the grants program, contact:
Alice Burke
Grants Program
Recreational Educational Services is responsible for administering federal and state grant programs to local and state governments. The Division manages the Land and Water Conservation Fund (LWCF), the Local Parks and Recreation Fund (LPRF) Grant Program, the Natural Resources Trust Fund (NRTF) and the Recreation Trails Program (RTP). The programs listed below have a match requirement and specific regulations for the applicants.
Local Parks and Recreation Fund (LPRF) Grants
The Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation (TDEC) pursuant
to TCA 67-4-409 is authorized, in cooperation with the Tennessee Department
of Agriculture (TDOA) and the Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency (TWRA),
to establish the "Local Parks Land Acquisition Fund" - referred to as
the Local Parks and Recreation Fund (LPRF). The LPRF is to provide grants
to all eligible local governmental entities for the purchase of lands
for parks, natural areas, greenways, and for the purchase of land for
recreation facilities. The funds may also be used for trail development
and capital projects in parks, natural areas, and greenways. At least
60 percent of the funds allocated will go to municipal governments as
authorized by the act. Recreation Educational Services (RES) has been
awarding grants to eligible local governments for the purchase and development
of land since 1992. These grants require a 50% match.
Land and Water Conservation Funds (LWCF) Grants
The Land and Water Conservation Fund (LWCF) Act of 1965 (Public Law 88-578, 78 Stat 897) was enacted " assist in preserving, developing and assuring accessibility to all citizens of the United States of America of present and future generations...such quality and quantity of outdoor recreation resources as may be available and are necessary and desirable for individual active participation..." The LWCF program provides matching grants to states, and through the state to local governments and state agencies that provide recreation and parks, for the acquisition and development of public outdoor recreation areas and facilities. Recreation Educational Services administers the LWCF grants. These grants require a 50% match.
The Natural Resources Trust Fund (NRTF) is established in accordance with TCA 11-14-304. The NRTF was created by the General Assembly "to protect the endowment represented by the land and minerals owned by the State; and to ensure that development of state-owned non-renewable resources will proceed in a manner which is economically sound, and that revenues received from disposal of those resources will be used for the long term public interest." Grants from the NRTF may be awarded to all eligible local governmental entities and state areas for outdoor recreation, historical or archaeological sites, the acquisition of lands, waters, or interests in lands and waters. Recreation Educational Services Division (RES) administers the NRTF grants. These grants require a 50% match.
The Natural Resources Trust Fund (NRTF) is established in accordance with TCA 11-14-304. The NRTF was created by the General Assembly "to protect the endowment represented by the land and minerals owned by the State; and to ensure that development of state-owned non-renewable resources will proceed in a manner which is economically sound, and that revenues received from disposal of those resources will be used for the long term public interest." Grants from the NRTF may be awarded to all eligible local governmental entities and state areas for outdoor recreation, historical or archaeological sites, the acquisition of lands, waters, or interests in lands and waters. Recreation Educational Services Division (RES) administers the NRTF grants.
2008 LPRF/LWCF/NRTFGrant Application & Open Project Selection Process
Through the Safe, Accountable, Flexible and Efficient Transportation Equity Act: A Legacy For Users (SAFETEA-LU), RTP funds are available statewide for recreation trail projects. Eligible applicants include state, federal, and local government agencies and private organizations. Priority is given to government agencies. Public/private partnerships are encouraged. 20% match required (qualifying in-kind match is allowed).
For information about Transportation Enhancement Funding for greenways and trails available through the Tennessee Department of Transportation, please refer TDOT's website at: (Note: this link will take you away from the TDEC website.)
2008 RTP Grant Application and Scoring Criteria
The Tennessee Recreation Initiative Program (TRIP) apportions grant money to cities and counties who lack professional parks and recreational director and do not provide a comprehensive recreation delivery system in their community. These grants are a three-year commitment, $50,000 grant matched by the communities.