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Erosion & Sediment Control Handbook
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Erosion Sediment Control Handbook (6.4 MB) PDF

Table of Contents

Best Management Practices


Tennessee Erosion Prevention and Sediment Control Training and Certification Program


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TN Erosion and Sediment Control Handbook

Construction activities near streams, rivers, and lakes have the potential to cause water pollution and stream degradation if erosion and sediment controls are not properly installed and maintained. In order to effectively reduce erosion and sedimentation impacts, Best Management Practices (BMP's) must be designed, installed, and maintained during land disturbing activities.

The Tennessee Erosion and Sediment Control Handbook is designed to provide information to planners, developers, engineers, and contractors on the proper selection, installation, and maintenance of BMP's. The handbook is intended for use during the design and construction of projects that require erosion and sediment controls to protect waters of the state. It also aids in the development of Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plans (SWPPP's) and other reports, plans, or specifications required when participating in Tennessee's water quality regulations.

Erosion and Sediment Control Handbook - (6.4 MB) (divided into smaller files below)

Table of Contents

Introduction (270kb)

Best Management Practices

Vegetative Practices: (1.09MB)

Buffer Zone-BF
Disturbed Area Stabilization with Mulch-MU
Disturbed Area Stabilization with Permanent Vegetation-PS
Disturbed Area Stabilization with Sod-SO
Disturbed Area Stabilization with Temporary Vegetarian-TS
Erosion Control Blanket/Matting-MA

Structural Practices (3.33MB)- (Because of this files large size, this .pdf has been broken down into the sections listed below for easier download))

Check Dam-CD
Construction Exit-CE
Construction Road Stabilization-CRS
Dewatering Structure-DW
Filter Ring-FR
Gradient Treatment-GT
Sediment Basin-SB
Sediment Trap-ST
Silt Fence-SF
Slope Drain-SD
Storm Drain Inlet Protection-IP
Storm Drain Outlet Protection-OP
Surface Roughening-SR

Stream Alteration Practices (630kb)
(requiring Aquatic Resource Alteration Permit)

Stream Diversion Channel-SDC
Temporary Stream Crossing-TSC
Bioengineered Stream Bank Stabilization-SBS

Appendix A. Construction General Permit (302kb)

Appendix B. Example Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) (998kb)

Appendix C. Aquatic Resource Alteration Permit (287kb)

Appendix D. Sources of Additional Information (28.0kb)
